– Ausstellung eröffnet

by Ingo Schrader Architekt on 2. Juni 2016

Die Architekturbiennale in Venedig ist eröffnet.

Im Rahmen der Begleitausstellung TIME SPACE EXISTENCE stellt Ingo Schrader zum ersten Mal seine freien künstlerischen Arbeiten einer Auswahl seiner Architekturprojekte gegenüber.

Das Thema von Raum und Reflektion findet sich nicht nur in den fotografisch abgebildeten Bauten und Kunstwerken, sondern auch in deren Präsentation:
Ein kompakter Block in regelmäßigem Raster angeordneter gerahmter Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos ist auf einer verspiegelten Wandfläche angeordnet und scheint so frei im Raum zu schweben. Durch die Reflektion der Spiegelflächen entsteht ein räumliches Vexierspiel, das den konkreten Ort, die Besucher, deren Bewegungen und Position im Raum mit einbezieht.

Ingo Schraders Exponat mit dem Titel space : reflections ist noch bis zum 27.11.2016 im Palazzo Mora, Venedig zu sehen.

Space : Reflections

In the end, architecture is about space. All its functionality, impact on the surroundings and meaning come from its interaction with space.

Space is invisible, immaterial and, even more complicated: space and time are one –
as scientists tell us.

As light is invisible too, and we can only perceive it when being reflected by solid matter, space can be articulated by the modulation and distance of its enclosures, of solids arranged or treated in a special way.
The calibration of measures, distances and proportions can make space resonate.
Resonance and reason, how to make it sound (right).

Modulations of surfaces reflect back into the void matter of space. They may also be seen as traces of invisible forces on the material – reflections of space on matter.
Traces of our body in space, traces of our life, traces in time.

Transformation is a sign of life, our bodies move through the fluidity of time and our surroundings, are we cavities in space? Is the body a counterpart to the invisible matter?
Or a space within a space?

We are playing, touching the invisible, being touched and perceiving space with the entire body and all our senses. Reflections of ourselves make us aware of our existence. Reflections on surfaces tell about space. When does the two-dimensional fall into the third dimension? What is happening at the limit between the dimensions, if there is one?

The flow and velocity of the void, the atmosphere, the gradation of densities, the rhythm of interventions, the quality of surfaces and materials let us orchestrate space or just play with it.

Architecture and art in such way become extensions of our body, instruments of perception on multiple levels and certainly meaningful extensions of our mind, reaching out to understand the reality of our existence.

Ingo Schrader, 26.02.16

Ingo Schrader ArchitektTIME SPACE EXISTENCE
– Ausstellung eröffnet